Food tips
A simple answer to an everyday question
What will we eat today?
Does this happen to you?
What will we eat? Same question every single day.
It repeats itself so often and constantly that it even becomes annoying. Why can’t someone give a simple answer to it.
Throwing food away
Many people throw away food unintentionally. We buy products expecting to use them and then we do something else and forget about them. Quite often we feel guilty about it and nobody wants that.
Leaving the store without buying what we actually need.
Have you ever come back from the store, unpacked your shoppings and realized that you forgot something important. What do you do then? No one wants to go again, ask if someone can bring the missing items on their way, or change plans and buy what you need next day?
No app will solve all the problems. will save you time, money, and most importantly, will help you relax while giving solution to practical everyday problems.
And it’s FREE!

Get a dinner offer with one click of a button.
Or a weekly menu offer.

If you are interested in more than just a dinner or a main course, you can also get offers for soups or dessert. You can choose what it is relevant for you.
If you list the products you have at home, app will not only help you know what you have, but also suggest recipes with the products you already have at home. This will help you save money and not waste food.

To avoid having to manually write the missing products in the list, you can add all the missing ingredients with the click of a button.
The shopping list will help you plan your purchases and not forget them in the store.

And you can always check out alternatives to a suggested recipe, or just look for some recipes for inspiration.
Take advantage of
- recipe suggestions
- food saving
- shopping bag
And it’s all free!

What are we eating today
Easiest way to get answer to this daily question

No food waste
Write what ingredients you have at home and get recipes that matches it best.

Variety of dishes
You can even try something you haven’t tried before
About Food Tips
There were countless times after I got back home after work that I was thinking – what should I have for dinner today? Or when some guests are planning to visit – what should we make for them? And that’s how food tips were born – it gives you recipe for how to make your dinner, lunch, breakfast or everything.
If you would like to have it from some particular category, you can do that as well. And even more, you can write what food you already have and get the recipe that matches it best. So you will save your money and not waste food!
And saved time you can spend with family, friends or just play your favourite game.